15000058710Paper for angle characteristics and common
作者:15000058710管理员纸护角报价    发布于:2012-09-21 09:15:27    文字:【】【】【
摘要:15000058710Paper for angle characteristics and common specifications--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Paper for Kok is a kraft pastes, the corner machine stereotypes to suppress, mainly L type and U type. For goods stacking, may strengthen the package edge support force and protect the overall package strength, belong to the green environmental protection packaging materials, can replace wood 100% recycling.Paper for Kok advantages:1, paper for Kok from product can be bundled together so that the overall packaging more firmly.In 2, the goods are fixed on the tray, can protect the product and its marginal effect.3, in the course of handling of protecting and supporting products.In 4, according to the different customer specifications and requirements.Common specifications30*30*3 ( mm )40*40*3 ( mm )40*40*4 ( mm )40*40*5 ( mm )45*45*3 ( mm )45*45*4 ( mm )45*45*7 ( mm )50*50*4 ( mm )50*50*5 ( mm )80*80*4 ( mm )80*80*5 ( mm )80*80*7 ( mm )According to the BB/T0023-2004 standard, paper for Kok should size, appearance, angle, mass per metre, moisture, longitudinal compressive, bending test and other testing, through the test in order to understand the quality angle.

15000058710Paper for angle characteristics and common specifications


Paper for Kok is a kraft pastes, the corner machine stereotypes to suppress, mainly L type and U type. For goods stacking, may strengthen the package edge support force and protect the overall package strength, belong to the green environmental protection packaging materials, can replace wood 100% recycling.

Paper for Kok advantages:

1, paper for Kok from product can be bundled together so that the overall packaging more firmly.

In 2, the goods are fixed on the tray, can protect the product and its marginal effect.

3, in the course of handling of protecting and supporting products.

In 4, according to the different customer specifications and requirements.

Common specifications

30*30*3 ( mm )

40*40*3 ( mm )

40*40*4 ( mm )

40*40*5 ( mm )

45*45*3 ( mm )

45*45*4 ( mm )

45*45*7 ( mm )

50*50*4 ( mm )

50*50*5 ( mm )

80*80*4 ( mm )

80*80*5 ( mm )

80*80*7 ( mm )

According to the BB/T0023-2004 standard, paper for Kok should size, appearance, angle, mass per metre, moisture, longitudinal compressive, bending test and other testing, through the test in order to understand the quality angle.


No. 商品中文名称 商品英文名称 HS Code 出口退抵税率 备注
1 护角板 Edgeboards 48239090 5% VC,PC,UP,CP,WA,AS,Color-printing
2 平板 Flatboards 48239090 5%  
3 滑托板 Slip sheet 48239090 5% 原土耳其订单海关签定编号2006319
4 纸托盘底脚 Pallrun 48239090 5%  
5 纸制托盘 Paper Pallet 48239090 5%  
6 纸托盘面板 Topboard for paper pallet 48239090 5% ICB,HCB,CB
7 充气袋 Dunnage bags 48194000 5%  
8 固特箱 Detach box 48191000 5% 瓦楞纸或纸板制的箱、盒、匣
9 固特箱 Detach box 48192000   非瓦楞纸或纸板制的箱、盒、匣

